Death Wish Aspect (How to Get, Location & Effects): Diablo 4

Sometimes it is impossible to get hit by enemies in Diablo 4 and Barbarians, they can simply shrug this off due to their toughness.

With the Death Wish Aspect, you can fight back against these enemies whenever you are affected by the Berserking buff.

To contribute more to damage, the Death Wish Aspect provides Barbarians who are Berserking with Thorns Damage.

Death Wish Aspect Diablo 4

Death Wish Aspect Effects (Thorns Aspect)

The Death Wish Aspect provides Barbarians with additional Thorns Damage while they are Berserking, which allows them to passively deal damage to their attackers.

Death wish will only trigger while you are affected by Berserkings, which Barbarians can activate using the various skills that they have.

Once Death Wish activates, the bonus Thorns Damage it provides will stack with any other Thorns Damage that you have.

Death Wish Aspect LocationDeath Wish Aspect is located in the Scosglen (East of Braestaig in the Wailing Hills)

The Death Wish Aspect will be unlocked once you have completed the Penitent Cairns Dungeon, which can be found east of Braestaig in the Wailing Hills. (Scosglen)

How To Get Death Wish Aspect? (Penitent Cairns Walkthrough)Defeating Resurrected Malice in the Penitent Cairns Dungeon

1) Free the Prisoners

Entering Penitent Cairns will have you exploring the Mournful Hollows, which is where there will be 7 Prisoners scattered throughout the area.

You will need to search for all 7 Prisoners and interact with them to release them or to lay them to rest before continuing.

2) Travel to the Caves of Atonement

After all the Prisoners have been released, you will need to continue making your way to the Caves of Atonement next.

You may be required to complete an additional random objective along the way such as Destroying a Construct before you may continue.

3) Return the Stone Carving to the Pedestal

Once you reach the Caves of Atonement, you will need to search for a Stone Carving, which will be marked on your map when you are near it.

The Stone Carving must be picked up and brought back to the Pedestal before you interact with it to remove a nearby barrier.

4) Defeat Resurrected Malice

After removing the barrier, you will need to proceed into the next area called the Subjugated Cavern, and slay the Resurrected Malice boss.


Thorns Damage is great for dealing more damage to enemies, especially when you are fighting enemies in a group and have the Needleflare Aspect.

Since Barbarians can trigger Berserking often, this makes it easy for them to benefit from the effects of the Death Wish Aspect.

If a Barbarian does not equip any passives or Basic Skills that provide Berserking, they can always resort to using Warcry or Challenging Shout with upgrades that provide it.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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