Mother’s Judgement (How to Defeat, Location & Drops): Diablo 4

Mother’s Judgement is one of the bosses that you may encounter in Diablo 4, who appears to be a higher-ranked Cultist.

This enemy is capable of casting powerful abilities that appear as red lightning to you and tends to teleport around the area.

While she may prove to be a difficult enemy for some players to beat, the rewards can be useful once the fight is over. 

Mother's Judgement boss Diablo 4

Mother’s Judgement Location

There are 3 dungeons where Mother’s Judgement may be fought as a final boss to get certain Aspects along with loot and these are the following:

Mother’s Judgement Fight (Attacks)

Mother’s Judgement has a habit of using toxic abilities against you but these can be easily avoided as long as you also watch out for his melee attacks.

1) Lightning Projectile

Mother’s Judgement releases a projectile that resembles a spark with a strange fiery color that you can avoid by moving out of the way or evading.

2) Cluster Lightning Strikes

Casts multiple Lightning Strikes moving forward in a line, dealing damage per blast within a certain area where Mother’s Judgement casts it.

3) Teleport

Similar to the Sorcerer’s Teleport, Mother’s Judgement relocates to another and deals damage in the area where she moves.

4) Rotating Sparks

Mother’s Judgement creates sparks that rotate around an area, which will deal damage if they collide with you.

Mother’s Judgement Strategy

The Lightning Strikes that Mother’s Judgement cast become larger as her health gets lower and eventually she can summon multiple ones at the same time.

It’s best to move out of the way before the Lightning Strikes hit you and to continue attacking her as much as possible.

She tends to teleport in front of you or away depending on the distance she is from your character and will often use her Lightning Projectile that shoots forward.

It is best to continue attacking her while saving your Evade Skill to move out of the way of her Lightning Strikes.

Mother’s Judgement Drops

Mother’s Judgement will drop around 1-3 items along with Gold as well as unlock an Aspect depending on which dungeon you defeat her in.

The following are the Aspects that are unlocked by defeating Mother’s Judgement and the dungeons where they can be unlocked:

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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