Bad Vibrations Walkthrough (Side Mission) in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Bad Vibrations Mission

  • Mission Type: Side Mission
  • Planet: Nekrotafeyo
  • Location: Desolation’s Edge
  • Level: 36

There are several nekroquakes occurring in the area which may cause the planet to tear itself apart which has become very distressing for everyone, especially Grouse.

Your task is to find the source of the nekroquakes with beacons and put an end to it with explosives if necessary.

Mission Walkthrough

Finding The Source Of The Nekroquakes


Follow the cable that is connected to the vending machine to the power source which will also be marked by a waypoint.


Grab the beacons that you will use to help find the source of the nekroquakes which is on top of a table.


You will also need to obtain the explosive which are placed on the same table where the beacons were placed.


You will need to place one of the beacons inside the research center in order to triangulate the beacons to determine the source of the nekroquakes.


Grab a vehicle and make your way towards the waypoints where you will need to place the beacons.


One of the beacons will need to be placed in the location called The Conqueror and you simply need to head over to the marked area and place it before moving on.


A little further out, in the location called Engine Of Decay, another marked area will be present where you need to put the last beacon.

Taking Care Of The Source


Head over to Quietus Peak where the waypoint is marking the source of the nekroquakes and continue on foot to reach the waypoint.


There will be a shaft above the area where the nekroquakes are coming from which you must blow up with explosives.


Once you have blown up the entrance, head down a long drop which will bring you closer to the source of the nekroquakes.


Continue to make your way towards the source by following the waypoints that will continuously lead you to your objective.


Once you have arrived at the source of the nekroquakes, set up explosive in order to take care of the problem.


The explosive will solve the problem and you will then need to head back to Grouse who will reward you for your efforts.


Head back to the research center and speak with Grouse in order to complete the mission.

Bad Vibrations Mission Rewards


Upon the completion of the mission, you will be rewarded with 10,644 cash.



  • Killing enemies will not be necessary and you can simple go through the whole mission by just following the waypoints and placing the quest items.
  • A vehicle would be a good choice for moving around since you will need to get to different places which could take a long time on foot.
Photo of author

Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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