How to Fast Travel in Diablo 4

Fast Traveling is an extremely useful feature in Diablo 4 and it has improved throughout the other games in the series.

There are Waypoints that can be found scattered around Sanctuary in both certain areas as well as the towns that you visit.

These can be unlocked and will allow you to fast travel whenever you need to, allowing you to save up on time and get to your destinations faster.

Diablo 4 Fast Travel

How To Fast Travel in Diablo 4?

There are two ways for you to fast travel which are using a portal to head back to town or teleporting from one Waypoint to another.

1) Teleporting To Waypoint

When a Waypoint has been unlocked, you can fast travel to it at any time as long as the area is clear because being attacked can cancel this.

To fast travel to a Waypoint, you will need to open your map and select the Waypoint that you wish to fast travel to.

This will cause your character to open up a portal, which they will enter and be transported to the Waypoint that you selected.

At any time, you can head back to the place where you originally came from by entering the portal again, allowing you to quickly return to where you previously were.

Take note that leaving town will cause the portal to disappear, preventing you from using it again if you venture off.

2) Waypoint to Waypoint

Whenever a Waypoint is unlocked, it becomes accessible to all your fast traveling needs, which includes traveling from one Waypoint to another.

Traveling from one Waypoint to another will allow you to instantly move to the selected Waypoint without the need to channel any portals.

You will be able to fast travel from one Waypoint to another as long as both of them have been unlocked, which means you must have already been to the location first.

How To Unlock Waypoints?

Waypoints will be shown on your map when you are near them and once you interact with them, these will be unlocked.

A Waypoint that has not been unlocked will not be usable when you want to fast travel to it, which means you must interact with it to activate it.


Fast traveling is one of the most important features in games like Diablo 4 and it is useful for when you want to reach your destination quickly.

This makes a huge difference when you want to complete a quest, head to town to get rid of items, and more as you continue your journey.

It is best to always unlock Waypoints whenever you can so that you have a way to quickly return without having to walk all the way again.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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