Diablo 4 In Search of Answers Quest Walkthrough

After discovering what transpired within the chapel of a town called Nevask, you are now making your way to a hermit’s cabin to find answers.

A man named Iosef realizes that he knows who the person is after you tell him about the vision you had and becomes worried.

You have been instructed to head towards the northeast to find a hermit who may be useful in the new situation that is arising.

Diablo 4 In Search of Answers (Prologue: Wandering Act)

How To Get In Search of Answers?

You will obtain In Search of Answers quest after speaking to Iosef once you have awakened from your vision.

This happens when you wake up and find the chapel burning, which is where it was revealed that Iosef brought you out.

In Search of Answers Quest ObjectivesSearching for the hermit that was mentioned by Iosef

1) Find the Hermit’s cabin

After speaking with Iosef, the two of you will be splitting up and you will need to search for the hermit that he mentioned.

You will have to head over to the cabin located to the northeast, which will be marked on your map for you to find easily.

2) Enter the cabin

Once you reach the cabin, the door will be unlocked and you will need to head inside to search for the hermit that Iosef spoke about.

3) Search the cabin

Inside the cabin, there will be multiple objects that you can interact with but to progress, you will need to interact with the large bookshelf, which allows you to access the back room.

4) Enter the back room

After opening the secret entrance, go inside the back room and there will be a table with what appears to be a Strange Skull on it.

Interacting with the Strange Skull

5) Interact with the Strange Skull

You will need to approach the Strange Skull and interact with it, which will cause a cutscene to begin where the hermit comes home to his cabin.

The hermit comes home during the cutscene and instead of being hostile towards you, for supper as the two of you talk about the events that have transpired.

After speaking with the hermit, who is revealed to be known as Lorath, he tells you about Lilith the daughter of hatred, and how you now have a connection with her.

The cutscene goes on and Lorath asks you about your plans, which he later agrees with and says that you are in this together, which later ends the quest.

In Search of Answers Rewards

Completing, In Search of Answers quest will reward you with 440 XP and 240 Gold, which also begins the next quest called Rite of Passage.


While the villagers of Nevask had been corrupted by the demon Lilith, it appears that Lorath was far from them and safe from her influence.

Now that you have met the strange hermit, he has decided to join you in standing up against the Daughter of Hatred.

You and Lorath will soon need to make your way to Kyovashad, where the journey will truly begin as you plan to fight back against Lillith.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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