How Does Co-Op Work in Dead Island 2

Everyone has their own choice of platform when it comes to gaming, and this is because they are more used to their preferences.

The only downside is that you can’t play with a friend if they are playing on another platform, which some games have been adjusted for.

Cross-play has been one of the best parts of Co-Op gaming and many players are wondering if Dead Island 2 will have that option.

Dead Island 2

Is Dead Island 2 Cross Platform?

While many players are eager to play Dead Island 2 with their friends, we hate to break it to you but for now Dead Island 2 will not have a cross-play.

This means that those playing on PlayStation won’t be able to team up with those who play on PC or XBOX, so it is best you choose the right platform if you can.

Those playing on other versions of the PlayStation can play together though, which means if you have a PS5, you can still play with someone who has a PS4.

How Does Co-Op Work?

Once you get into the game, you can enjoy Co-Op play with two additional players, giving you a team of three players to go out and slay zombies.

In total there are 6 Slayers to choose from, who have their strengths and weaknesses, which allows you to strategize on which characters go best together.

Depending on your preferences, you and your friends can pick the characters that best suit you and go about the game and start killing zombies.


While some players are a bit upset to hear that Dead Island 2 will not be having a cross-play, it is still uncertain if things may change in the future.

Playing together with your friends is still possible, if everyone purchases the game on the same platform, so it’s best you guys talk things out first.

Although the game is to be released with no cross-play, it is uncertain whether in the future they may add the option or keep it as it is.


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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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