Diablo 4 Extraction and Imprinting Quest Walkthrough

Extraction and Imprinting is a quick Priority Quest that have you head over to one of the Occultists in Kyovashad to learn about Extraction and Imprinting.

This does not become available until you have either progressed or obtained an aspect that is used in such procedures though.

Once you learn about how Extraction and Imprinting work, you will be able to further improve your equipment to help you fight the forces of evil.

Extraction and Imprinting (Priority Quest) Diablo 4

How To Get Extraction and Imprinting Quest?

The Extraction and Imprinting quest will become available once you have reached Level 25 or if you have obtained an aspect.

You can obtain an aspect by completing dungeons as this will be rewarded at the end when you defeat a certain boss.

Extraction and Imprinting Quest ObjectivesSpeaking with Demyan about Extraction and Imprinting

Speak with Demyan

Demyan is the Occultist in Kyovashad and once you have unlocked this Priority Quest, you will need to head over to him to speak with him about Extraction and Imprinting.

Speaking to Demyan will result in him talking about what Extraction and Imprinting can do but there won’t be much of a tutorial that happens.

The Priority Quest will end shortly after he has finished talking about this and afterward, you will receive a small reward for speaking to him.

Extraction and Imprinting Rewards

After you have spoken to Demyan to hear what he has to say, the quest will be complete, and you will be rewarded with XP and Gold based on your character level.


This quest may not have been as explanatory as it should have been, but it does unlock the feature that allows you to modify your equipment.

The aspects that you collect can later be used to alter the suffixes of your weapons, allowing you to change their stats.

Extracting an aspect takes its suffix while imprinting will add or replace a suffix with another, making it much more convenient for certain builds.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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