Warframe Duviri Shawzin (Playing Songs, Locations & Rewards)

If you remember the time that Shawzins were introduced to the game, you will be pretty familiar with what they are by now.

These are ancient instruments that you could purchase and use whenever you wanted to perform in missions or gathering areas.

Duviri also has its areas where you can pick up a Shawzin and do a little performance, which of course has its rewards.

Warframe Shawzin Duviri

How To Play Shawzin in Duviri?The Drifter playing Shawzin

Unlike in the Origin System, playing Shawzins is different when it comes to Duviri as you will need to search for locations where a Shawzin is present.

Once you find one, you can approach it and interact to pick it up, which will let you choose between two options when playing, which are Normal or Virtuoso.

Normal is the easiest way to complete a performance but doing Virtuoso is a good way to challenge yourself, even if the reward is the same.

Playing Shawzin Songs in DuviriThe Drifter playing Shawzin Songs in Duviri

Once you have picked out a difficulty, the song that will be played will depend on where you picked up the Shawzin, so there are a lot of songs you can play as you explore.

The minigame will begin and this will be a little something like games such as guitar hero, requiring that you time your strings with the prompts.

Harder modes such as playing in Steel Path or choosing Virtuoso will require you to do frets along with pressing the correct buttons.

All Shawzin Locations in Duviri

If you want to try your hand at playing all the Shawzins in Duviri, we have prepared a list of all of the locations where they can be found. (Don’t forget to use the guiding hand to find them quickly)

You can find Shawzins in the following locations:

  • Archarbor
  • Royalstead Pastures
  • Northwind Village
  • Orion Tower
  • The Amphitheater
  • Lonesome Outlook
  • The Agora
  • Rairshores Hamlet
  • Primrose Village
  • The Kings Palace
  • Titan’s Rest
  • Chamber of the Muses

Duviri Shawzin RewardsWarframe Shawzin

Playing a Shawzin in Duviri is similar to most side activities that you can do and this will reward you with resources, intrinsics and a decree.

You can only earn from each Shawzin once, making it no different if you choose Normal or Virtuoso aside from it being slightly more challenging and sounding better.

Completing this activity is one of the easiest ways to get a Decree, which is useful when you plan to stay long in modes such as The Duviri Experience.

It was later discovered that after you have played at all Shawzin Locations, you will receive the Courtly Shawzin as a reward.


While the music that you can play in Duviri is limited, the main use of this activity is to provide you with rewards and a Decree.

If you happen to find a lot of these before starting with the different stages in The Duviri Experience, you can get a head start, especially on Steel Path Mode.

You can find Shawzins lying around mostly where citizens can be found and to spot them easier, you can use The Drifter’s second ability to highlight them.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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