The Outer Worlds: Ultrawide Fullscreen Fix

The Outer Worlds doesn’t support full screen ultrawide resolutions, only windowed fullscreen.

Increasing FOV surely helps, but here’s some values to change to be able to play the game in full screen mode with an ultrawide monitor.

Fullscreen, FOV and Chromatic Aberration Fix

These are the values to set if you’re playing with a 3440×1440 monitor:

Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Indiana\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and edit the following values in the GameUserSettings.ini file:


I also changed the FOV to 110 that seems to be a good value for me at this resolution:


And then, if you want, you can add this string in the Engine.ini file to remove the blurry chromatic aberration:


If you change any settings in-game, these files will be overwritten, so you have to make them read-only, and remember to not open the settings menu or you’ll be stuck in a loop if you say “No” to the request of applying the new settings.

Apart from this guide, if you want us to cover any other guide related to the game The Outer Worlds do let us know in the comment section. We’re happy to do that for our readers. We’ve also covered few more guides related to this game, kindly check the related posts section below.

Written by: SnailMango

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