Will Dead Island 2 Be On Game Pass?

A lot of platforms nowadays are offering a type of monthly subscription to enjoy a set of games that you need to renew once your time is up.

This gives you access to hundreds to thousands of games depending on what platform you are playing on and which servers you are subscribed to.

One of the more popular ones is the Xbox Game Pass and players are wondering if Dead Island 2 will be available on its release.

Dead Island 2 Game Pass

Xbox Game Pass

The Xbox Game Pass is a service provided for players who want to experience over a hundred different games without having to buy them.

To do this, they simply must subscribe to an account, which will cost around $9.99 for regular accounts or 14.99 for the ultimate subscription.

Once a player has subscribed for the Xbox Game Pass, they will be able to access countless games on an Xbox console or Computer System.

Will Dead Island 2 Be On Game Pass?

Sadly, it looks like with Dead Island 2 approaching its release, it will not be available on the Xbox Game Pass for now.

This is most likely to ensure that players purchase their copies of the game but in the future, it may be added to the list of games available.

Currently, you can purchase Dead Island 2 on different platforms and play it once the game has been released in April 2023.


A lot of platforms have game-sharing services that players can make use of to play hundreds of games within a month.

This goes well for those who don’t take too long when it comes to a story-based game or for someone who loves to test other games before buying them.

While Dead Island 2 will not be in Xbox Game Pass anytime soon, you may still get a chance to enjoy it via the service after some time has passed.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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