Destiny 2 How to Get Thorn in 2024 (Perks & Intrinsic Traits)

Destiny 2 Thorn“To rend one’s enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects–hollow of spirit and meaning.” –13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow

Hand Cannons are capable of dealing tons of damage but imagine one that also dealt damage over time, that is exactly what Thorn does.

Thorn is an Exotic Hand Cannon that deals damage over time thanks to its Mark of the Devourer trait and is capable of firing 140 rounder per minute 9 rounds per magazine.

This weapon is capable of easily bringing down single targets and when used accurately can easily clear a whole group of enemies.

How To Get Thorn?

Thorn was previously obtained by finding its quest as you head into the Salt Mines in the EDZ to find a hidden camp.

This quest was removed and you may now obtain Thorn from the Monument to Lost Lights, located within the Tower.

The following are needed to purchase Thorn:

Thorn Perks

1) Corkscrew Rifling (Barrel)

Thorn is equipped with a balanced barrel.

  • Slightly increases range and stability
  • Slightly increases handling speed

2) Accurized Rounds (Magazine)

Thorn is capable of firing longer distances.

  • Increases range

3) Soul Devourer (Trait)

Absorbing a Remnant strengthens Mark of the Devourer and partially refills Thorn’s magazine.

4) Textured Grip (Grip)

The friction on Thorn’s grip is particularly strong.

  • Greatly increases handling speed
  • Slightly decreases stability

Below we’ve linked to our guides that helps you to get the other Exotic Weapons in Destiny 2

Thorn Intrinsic Traits

Mark of the Devourer

Thorn fires around that pierce targets and deals damage to them over time. Kills with this Exotic Hand Cannon leave behind Remnants.

Remnants empower Mark of the Devourer and refill Thorn’s magazine, allowing regain ammunition and easily kill more enemies as your damage increases.

This goes well with Thorn as the base damage alone is already strong and adding another source of damage makes it easy to defeat enemies.

Thorn Catalyst

There currently is no catalyst for Thorn but this Exotic Hand Cannon is already strong enough without one and it is unsure if this weapon will have one in the future.


The Thorn is a favorite weapon when it comes to both PVE and PVP as it can easily deal heavy damage to single targets.

With the ability to leave Remnants, you can easily replenish your ammo and also gain the ability to kill enemies faster.

The more you kill with this weapon, the stronger Mark of the Devourer can become and you can continue fighting with fewer reloads.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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