How To Complete Elemental Attunement in Destiny 2

During the first week of Season of the Witch, you may have been wondering what the Opaque Cards with elements were for in the Seasonal Activities.

These required Elemental Attunements and with the arrival of Week 2, this feature has now been added as Quest Step 7 of The Blade Path Seasonal Quest.

Completing an Elemental Attunement will allow you to progress with the seasonal quest and later interact with the Deck of Whisper Cards that you find with the same element.

Destiny 2 Elemental Attunements

How To Complete Elemental Attunement?shooting the glyphs in the large area at the Savathun’s Throne World

Completing the Elemental Attunement is simple, you first must pick out one of the elements, which is either Arc, Void, or Solar. (Don’t worry you can attune the others later)

Once you have picked out an element, head to Savathun’s Throne World and go to any of the Lost Sectors to begin the attunement. (Clear out the enemies and the boss)

After clearing out the Lost Sector, you will need to follow the quest marker, which will lead you to a large area with glyphs that you need to shoot. (Require damage that is the same as the element you chose)

Approaching a nearby ritual circle after all the Glyphs have been shot
Once all the glyphs have been shot with the right elemental damage, a ritual circle will manifest nearby, and you will need to approach it.

Interacting with the ritual circle will allow you to Invoke Hive Magic, which will complete the attunement and reward you with Opaque Cards for the Deck of Whispers.

This will now allow you to interact with floating Opaque Cards that you find in Seasonal Activities that require an elemental attunement.

Collecting Elemental Deck of Whisper Cardscollecting the Whispering Cards

You may have noticed the Deck of Whisper Cards that are floating around with hints of elemental energy about them that were unobtainable during Week 1.

These require that you are attuned to a certain element before you can go and collect them, making it necessary to become attuned to each element eventually.

Once you are attuned to a certain element, you will be able to collect the floating cards that you encounter in the Seasonal Activities.


Some Guardians may think that there is only one place to complete the Elemental Attunement but the instructions are to go to any Lost Sector as long as it is in Savathun’s Throne World.

Before progressing with the Seasonal Quest, you will need to complete the Elemental Attunement that you have picked out.

As the season goes on, you will be able to attune the other elements, allowing you to obtain even more in the upcoming weeks.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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