Among Us: How to be a Better Player

Gameplay points described based on my own experience in the game. Helps players perform better in their role.

As you may know, Among Us is a popular party game which aims to pit players against each other as two teams: Crewmates and Impostor(s). This game revolves heavily around deception and betrayal.

In this guide I try to provide points that can help you improve your gameplay considering that you analyze the situation at hand and take the best course of action.

So without further ado, let’s dive in:

General Section (Regardless of being a Crewmate or an Impostor)

1. Take note to choose the best server locations based on the continent in which you live. This helps minimizing your ping.

2. Choose gameplay terms based on your taste. I mean, be careful not to mistakenly choose unwanted maps or servers with two or three impostor when you intend to play with only one. This way you stop wasting time disconnecting from servers, missing out the fun.

3. Online players can be either hosts or clients. Hosts are those players who create a server (which you can see on the list and you can join, provided that the server is not full.) They also can change game parameters for the game they host. Clients, on the other hand, are players that join the host game and abide the game parameters. If you choose to connect to other hosts, check the left part of the screen and review the game parameters. If you don’t like the parameters either ask the host to change if possible or more importantly, you can leave the server. If you intend to leave the server, DO SO BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS. Be a good player and DO NOT ruin other players’ game.

4. Do not use the chat button to find a date, or to insult other players. Also, Do Not bend the rules in public servers, for example by using discord. Use private servers for discord communication. Also DO NOT use offensive names

5. You can get familiar with the maps and game mechanics by playing in “Freeplay” mode, located in main menu.

6. We all know that being an Impostor is fun but being a crewmate is nice and pretty much fun too. Please Do NOT leave the server if you see that you are a crewmate. Do not ruin the game and it’s fun. It is a chance based opportunity so accept your role. If you want to increase the chance of becoming an Impostor, try hosting / joining a game with two / three Impostors or games with decreased number of crewmates (between 4 – 9 players). This way you can increase your chance of becoming an Impostor. In a default 10 player match with 1 Impostor, your chance of becoming the killer is only 10%.

Crewmate Section

Crewmates are the astronauts on their space mission. Their task is to either:

1. fill out the task progress bar by doing various task on the map.
2. successfully detect and vote out the Impostor(s), leading to their ejection.

Here are some points that can improve your play as a crewmate.

1. When the game starts, a good idea is to check your tasks and their locations. Doing tasks leads to the progress bar getting filled and this puts pressure on the Impostor(s). This may lead to the impostor rushing their actions; so there will be a good chance that crewmates catch them red-handed.

2. Do not use the emergency meeting button only to chat other players without any proper reason. players may vote against you for wasting their time.

3. If you managed to complete all your tasks, you may want to stick to one or more crewmates for the sake of protection as killing in front of other crew is a very bad idea as an impostor. this grouping can be risky as the crewmates you follow may think that you are the impostor trying to kill them when the time is right, this may tip the scales against you. You can also run around aimlessly while avoiding contact with other crewmembers. Checking other crewmates’ behavior and checking security cameras are some other options for you.
4. If the Impostor manages to dispose of you before you were able to complete all your tasks, there is still a chance to help your team and win the game by completing the remaining tasks using your ghost. Best practice is not to leave the game when your team needs you the most.
5. Remember, due to the nature of the game, everybody is suspicious. This necessarily doesn’t mean that you (as a crewmate ) should frame other crewmates while you don’t have proper evidence of their guilt. Ejecting non-impostors only leads to the impostor having fewer obstacles for reaching their goal. Your best bet is to try to watch other crewmates and deduce whether they are guilty or not (which can be hard).
6. If you witnessed the impostor killing a crewmate, DO NOT PANIC. The impostor goes into cooldown for sometime, thus will be unable to attack you. You can either report the body near you or go to the emergency button and initiate an emergency meeting. *Cooldown time is a game parameter determined by the host. You should be aware of the time amount prior to the game. Please refer to point number 3 in general section of this guide.*

Impostor Section:

Impostor is an Alien in disguise hell bent on disposing of the crewmembers. It is more fun yet harder to play as an impostor.

An impostor tasks are to

1. prevent their cover from being blown.
2. Kill or vote out the crewmates

Here are some points on how to perform better as an impostor.

1. Do not rush the killings as the game starts. your best bet is to pretend being a crewmate, doing tasks, running around the map and picking out victims one at a time when the time is right. Though take note that you haven’t got all the time in the world as crewmembers may actively engage in completing tasks, narrowing your time frame.


1. Timing is very important.
2. It is better to be familiar with the map. **please refer to point 5 in General section of this guide.**

2. Do not constantly chase crewmates. Also, do not stand for so much time either. try to move in a balanced manner.

3. As an impostor, you should be aware of game parameters, namely killing distance and killing cooldown time. Last thing You need is an unwanted surprise by unintended game parameters. **please refer to point 3 in General section of this guide.**

4. Useful options for an impostor are “Venting” and “Sabotage”. ” Venting ” means that you can use vents to hide or move under the surface and relocate, hopefully without being seen when entering and exiting the vents. You can use this mechanic to kill and/or relocate, Also you can sabotage doors, trapping your victim in a room then exit the vent, kill them and enter the vent in order to relocate to another section of the map. *BE EXTRA CAREFUL when venting in / out. If somebody sees you, you either have to take them out otherwise it is insta-cover-blown.*

** Use sabotaging to your benefit. for example you can sabotage the reactor or Oxygen supply to force the crewmembers to move out of their positions. You can sabotage lights to greatly decrease their eyesight, making them an easy target. **

5. Remember, impostors can only fake doing tasks, so it is a bad idea to stand in a room with other crewmate(s), pretending doing tasks. Why?? because they may have their eyes on the progress bar and they can see that you didn’t contribute to the progress bar. this is a rather good way for them to narrow down the search for suspects.

6. You can kill and self-report. This means that you report the crew mate you killed. You can kill and self report to make an alibi for yourself but be mindful as other crewmates will become suspicious if you do this over and over.

7. during discussions, try to keep your cool and try not to make constant allegations on other people, as this can be seen as an act of desperation to clear one’s name. You can act dumb and lie about your location and intentions.

8. You can lie, retort back or say what ever you see fit during discussions. You may Sit back and let other people fight each other. Do not hesitate to vote against other people when things don’t look good for them. Try to sound as convincing as possible but do not sound desperate.
9. If you keep an eye on crewmembers, you can see Suspicious actions and behaviors from them from time to time. You can use this info when a discussion hits up, hoping for a successful framing of that poor guy.
10. If you decide to vent in/out, you should know that others know where the vents go. So if you vent on skelt after killing in electrical, remember if someone finds the body, don’t say you were in med bay (or security?)
Apart from this guide, if you want us to cover any other guide related to the game “Among Us” do let us know in the comment section. We’re happy to do that for our readers. We’ve also covered few more guides related to this game, kindly check the related posts section below.

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