Destiny 2 Season of the Risen Week 1 Seasonal Challenges

Season of the Risen Seasonsal Challenges

With the arrival of The Witch Queen DLC, the Season of the Risen has begun and now the Seasonal Challenges are once again available.

By completing the seasonal challenges, you can gain a lot of rewards such as loot, insight, bright dust and challenger experience.

You can quickly increase your Season of the Risen rank by completing the available Seasonal Challenges available as well as the ones added weekly.

Season of the Risen Week 1 Seasonal Challenges

Psychogenic Decoder

Collect Psychogenic Intel by playing strikes, Gambit, Crucible, public events, and more.

Collect Risen Umbral Energy by decoding Runic chests in PsiOps Battlegrounds.

  • Psychogenic Intel Collected (Total of 500)
  • Risen Umbral Energy collected (Total of 2)

Rewards: Challenger XP, Insight

Operation Elbrus: Week 1

Complete Week 1 of Operation Elbrus and defeat combatants with Machien Guns in PsiOps Battlegrounds.

  • Operation Elbrus: Week 1 Competed
  • Machine Gun (Total of 40 kills)

Rewards: Challenger XP

Into the Throne World

In the Throne World, complete bounties and earn progress by completing patrols, public events, and looting Lost Sectors.

  • Progress (Reach 100%)

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Mid-Range Calibration

Calibrate mid-range weapons – Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Machien Guns – in the Throne World. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.

  • Calibration (Reach 100%)

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Momentum Crash

Defeat Guardians in Momentum Control. Earn bonus progress with Zone Advantage.

  • Defeat Guardians (Total of 75)

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

The Informant’s Informant

Reach Rank 15 with Fynch in Savathun’s throne world.

  • Progress (Reach Rank 15)

Rewards: Challenger XP+++

String Theory

Complete 3 Evidence Board investigations in the Mars Enclave

  • Evidence Board investigations (Total of 3)

Rewards: Challenger XP++

Taking All Changes

Complete weekly playslist challenges.

  • Challenges (Total of 3)

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Dredgin’ Up Victory

Complete Gambit matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.

  • Progress (Reach 100%)

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Hive Slayer

Defeat Hive combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

  • Defeat Hive combatants (Reach 100%)

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Seasonal Challenge


Complete all of the Season of the Risen Seasonal Challenges.

  • Challenges (Total of 66)

Rewards: Large Bright Dust Pile

Season of the Risen Rank Bonuses

The following are the Season of the Risen Rank Bonuses that you obtain as you get higher ranks during the season.

XP Bonus

Provides various XP gains at Ranks 5, 7, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76 and 86.

Currency Bonus

Increases the currency drops from various sources at Ranks 3 and 20.

Quest Bonus

Provides objective acceleration to their respective quests at Ranks 11 and 22.

Masterwork Bonus

These bonuses grant additional Masterwork and energy levels to seasonal gear rewards at Ranks 28, 38, 48, 51, 61 and 68.

Scrounger Bonus

Theses bonuses grant a chance for an additional piece of seasonal gear to drop in various activities at Ranks 43, 71 and 81.

Risen Bonus

Grants varied boosts unique to Season of the Risen at Ranks 12 and 32.


  • An easy way to complete most of these challenges would be to follow through with the quest and missions to unlock most of the other features.
  • The Witch Queen campaign allows you to unlock some good gear and eventually progresses you to access everything needed for the seasonal challenges.
  • Defeating certain enemies is needed for some of the seasonal challenges and it would be wise to find easy ways such as Lost Sectors to kill numerous amounts.
  • A new Operation Elbrus will be available weekly and you can start it once a new week has been added to the seasonal challenges.


It is a good idea to complete as many seasonal challenges you can as possible once you have done the current quests and missions for the DLC.

The Witch Queen has a lot of new things in store but at one point you will have enough time to do the seasonal challenges.

Completing the seasonal challenges will offer you more than just Insight, Bonus Gear, Challenger XP and Bright Dust, there are more benefits.

As you progress you will gain more XP with higher ranks, additional currency, quest bonuses, masterwork bonuses, scrounger bonuses and Risen bonuses.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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