Destiny 2 Onslaught Activity Guide (Into The Light)

Destiny 2 has unleashed a new and fun activity called Onslaught, which acts as a direct response against forces sent by The Witness to destroy the Last City.

During this activity, Guardians will need to band together to protect an ADU (Advanced Defense Unit) and fight back against it by infiltrating a Pyramid ship to defeat its boss.

The Onslaught Activity is tied to the Into The Dark update and is the main activity you need to do to gain Lord Shaxx Reputation to obtain various rewards.

Onslaught Playlist Mechanics

The Onslaught Playlist will put you in one of three different combat scenarios, which will take place in Midtown, Mothyards, or Vostok.

Players will need to clear out the area so that the ADU (Advanced Defense Unit) may spawn, which you will need to protect from enemies during the activity.

You will need to fight enemies until you complete Wave 5, which later causes a portal to spawn where you need to enter the Pyramid Ship.

Once aboard the ship, you will need to search and defeat the Sparkhoarders to ignite a Spark, which will need to be collected by one of your fireteam members.

The Spark must be brought to the end and deposited to defeat multiple enemies in the area as well as allow you to progress. (A portal will appear that you will use to exit the ship)

Once you are back at the ADU, you will need to fight until the 10th wave, which will result in another portal appearing where you need to defeat the boss.

The mechanics for all 3 of the locations will be similar with the slight difference being enemies that spawn as well as bonus objectives.

Onslaught 50 Wave Mechanics

After your first Onslaught Playlist, you will be able to do 50-Wave Onslaught Activities, which is similar in a way to the playlist but with escalating difficulty.

The mechanics are the same but instead of the activity ending after defeating the boss within a Pyramid Ship, you repeat the objectives.

In total, you will be fighting against 5 bosses in their Pyramid Ships, which happens after Wave 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50.

Defeating the boss after Wave 50 will result in an additional chest appearing at the end, providing you with more rewards.

After each boss, the ADU will be relocated to different areas, which requires new defenses to be set up, but the old ones may sometimes remain. (This is useful if the ADU relocates in the same area)


During the Onslaught Activity, you will be able to collect scrap from defeating enemies as well as depositing ADU batteries by throwing them at the ADU.

The Scrap that you collect may be used to purchase and upgrade 3 different types of defenses that have fixed locations during the activity.

The following are the available defenses:


With Decoys set up, enemies will attempt to attack these instead of going straight for the Advanced Defense Unit or even players.

This makes it easy to force enemies into one area or to keep them at bay so you and your fireteam can catch up to take them out.


Turrets can be purchased to guard certain areas, and these will remain stationary until the end of the activity, giving you extra damage to enemies.

These can shoot in a large radius going around them, making them perfect not only for defeating enemies but also alerting your fireteam to where they are approaching from.


Tripwires remain on a wall, or the ground one purchased and will damage enemies that come in contact with their lasers.

This makes it easier to take out enemies or defeat stragglers that tend to go around or pass through areas where you and your fireteam are not present.

Onslaught Rewards

Completing Onslaught Activities allows you to open chests at the end and for those who do the 50-Wave Onslaughts, these rewards become better.

The following are some of the rewards you can get from completing Onslaught Activities:


The Onslaught Playlist is thought to be more of a tutorial as it only has 10 Waves but this is a good activity to focus on if you want to avoid playing up to 50 Waves.

It’s best to grab as many bounties as possible from Lord Shaxx and Arcite 99-40 before doing Onslaught Activities to increase your Shaxx Reputation faster.

Focusing on defense is important, which makes it necessary to grab as many ADU batteries as possible if you want to have a better chance of succeeding.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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