Destiny 2 Exo Frame Rank Rewards & Resetting

The Season of the Seraph brings on a whole new story and with it, a new Seasonal Vendor that you will be interacting with throughout the season.

The Exo Frame was an experimental frame created by Anastasia Bray and was later used to host Clovis Bray who was previously rescued.

Throughout the Season of the Seraph, you will be able to progress with the Seasonal Quest, take on bounties, obtain rewards, focus new gear, and more at the Exo frame.

Exo Frame Rank Rewards

Exo Frame Reputation is gained as you complete Heist Battlegrounds Playlist missions, allowing you to obtain various rewards.

The following are the Exo Frame reputation rewards:

Prestige 0 Rewards

  • Seraphic Gear
  • Upgrade Modules
  • Deepsight IKELOS Weapons Umbral Engram
  • Enhancement Core
  • Deepsight Seraphic Weapons Umbral Engram
  • Enhancement Prism
  • Reset Rank (Provides you with Ascendant Shard)

Resetting Exo Frame Rank

Once you have reached the max Exo Frame Reputation Rank, you will be able to reset it, providing you with an Ascendant Shard.

You will then be able to gain Exo Frame Reputation again, allowing you to get even more rewards as your rank increases.

This is a great way for you to farm a lot of goodies during the season and the rewards will be worth the effort.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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