How To Gain Lord Shaxx Reputation (Hype) in Destiny 2

Into the Light is a new addition to Destiny 2 that has introduced the Onslaught Activity and there are many rewards for participating in them.

Lord Shaxx is one of the Vendors in the Hall of Champions that you will want to visit often as you can gain Hype (Lord Shaxx Reputation) by doing Onslaught Activities and more.

Once you have enough Lord Shaxx Reputation, you will be able to reap the rewards for the hard grinding that you have done.

Lord Shaxx Reputation Progress

How To Gain Hype (Lord Shaxx Reputation)?

Onslaught Activities

Playing Onslaught Activities allows you to obtain a lot of Hype, which can happen during and once the activity is completed.

Completing an Onslaught Activity will reward you with Lord Shaxx Reputation at the end but there are times in which you get reputation for doing other things.

Completing a wave will reward you with reputation and the same goes for when you complete Bonus Objectives during the activity as well.


If you go to the Hall of Champions, you will be able to acquire Daily Bounties from Lord Shaxx and Weekly Bounties from Arcite 99-40.

These bounties will provide you with XP as well as Lord Shaxx Reputation depending on how difficult the bounty is to complete.

Doing Onslaught Activities along with bounties is the fastest way for you to increase your Lord Shaxx Reputation. (Some bounties do not involve Onslaught)

Weekly Quests

It is mentioned that there will be Weekly Quests, which will be another way for you to obtain Lord Shaxx Reputation.

These quests will require that you follow certain steps to complete them and may involve different activities depending on the week.

Since these quests will be limited to each week, it is best that you stick to Onslaught to increase your Lord Shaxx reputation afterward.

Lord Shaxx Reputation Rewards

Increasing your Lord Shaxx Reputation will eventually lead to your rank increasing, which will allow you to obtain certain rewards for certain ranks.

Additionally, increasing your rank will also allow you to obtain BRAVE Engrams from Lord Shaxx and these may stack if you don’t check for them often. (You can claim multiple engrams)

The rewards that you can get once you reach certain ranks, will allow you to acquire BRAVE Engrams, Trophies of Bravery, Item Access Keys, and more.


The new Onslaught Activities are not that hard and since there is a free upgrade package for players to grab (Gift of the Thunder Gods), progressing becomes a lot easier.

The chests found in the Hall of Champions may be unlocked when you obtain Item Access Keys, which require you to gain a lot of Lord Shaxx Reputation.

Lord Shaxx and Arcite 99-40 are great Vendors to visit as you can grab bounties from them and the more you complete, the faster you can get all the rewards.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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