How to Complete Deep Dives Activity in Destiny 2

One of the Seasonal Activities introduced in Season of the Deep is the Deep Dives activity, which has players delve into the depths of the methane sea.

It is here that Guardians such as yourself will need to retrieve resources that will be utilized for Sloane’s new ally, known as Ahsa.

This is known to be one of the more rewarding Seasonal Activities because each victory will allow you to get better rewards with more successful dives.

Season of the Deep (Deep Dives Arena)

How To Complete Deep Dives Activity?

Once a Deep Dives activity begins, you will need to choose between two of the gifts from Ahsa before delving into the water.

You will then need to make your way through multiple areas while completing objectives until you reach the end of the area.

This will eventually bring you to a boss that needs to be defeated before you can claim your rewards from the chests that spawn afterward.

Deep Dives Mission ObjectivesDeep Dives Mission

Before proceeding, you will need to choose one of Ahsa’s gifts and the path leading into the water will be opened for you.

1) Dive into the Twilight Depth

Once the path leading into the water is opened, you will need to make your way into the underwater rig, which is where your first objective will be taking place.

You will need to first interact with switches as you make your way to the rig and eventually, you will reach a large room.

2) Complete First Objective

Once you are in the room, you will need to complete your first objective which will be selected at random for each session that you run.

3) Dive into the Midnight Depth

You will need to make your way to the next area and this will either be by going through a door or through a portal that allows you to go deeper into the Methane Sea.

You will eventually reach a turbine that needs to be deactivated before you can go deeper, which requires you to interact with a nearby switch.

Continue making your way until you reach the next underwater rig and you will soon need to do the next objective that is required.

4) Complete Second Objective

You will now be in an even larger room and will need to complete another objective, which may also be different every time you run the Deep Dives activity.

Completing the second objective will end up with you being teleported deeper into the Methane Sea and you will now be on your way to the boss fight.

5) Plant Egregore Resonator

After you arrive in a deeper section of a rig, you will need to plant the Egregore Resonator, which will open up a door that leads to the boss fight area.

6) Defeat Boss

You will now need to fight the final boss of the Deep Dives activity, which will allow you to later collect your rewards after obtaining the Egregore Coral.

7) Secure the Haul of Egregore Coral

Once the boss has been defeated, you will need to interact with the Egregore Coral which is marked by a waypoint.

8) Claim Your Conquest

Now that the mission is near its end, you may now open up the Deep Chest and there will also be a bonus chest if you have completed a Pressure Trial.

Deep Dives Bosses

1) Kudazad, Bound To Xivu Arath

Fighting with Kudazad, Bound To Xivu Arath to complete the Deep Dives activity

Kudazad is a wizard that is one of Xivu Arath’s servants who is mentioned to be bound by war and conquered from trickery.

You will encounter this boss in the Asphyxiator’s Hollow and they can be seen first flying around before they begin to engage you.

2) J4W-S, Wrath-Hunter Servitor

This servitor was introduced during the first week of Season of the Deep and fights alongside its servitor swarm to overpower its enemies.

It tends to teleport you to a coral room and attack you along with other Servitors before you can finally defeat it in its boss arena.

3) Kelgorath, Taken from Bones

This section will be updated in a future weekly update of Destiny 2.

Deep Dives RewardsDeep Dives mission completed

At the end of the Deep Dives activity, you will be rewarded with Bait and there will be a Deep Chest with a specific tier depending on how much you have progressed.

A bonus chest may also appear if you have completed a Pressure Trial during the Deep Dive activity, granting more rewards.

These chests will drop Seasonal Gear, which may include Season of the Deep weapons or armor when they are opened.


The Deep Dive activities are a great way to get gear from Season of the Deep, which makes it easy for you to quickly unlock the Deep Focusing for the season.

The resources obtained from these dives are necessary for helping Sloane and Ahsa make a connection with one another.

Guardians can quickly complete this activity to gain Sonar Station Reputation, which will allow them to collect more rewards later.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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