Dark and Darker

Interacting with loot chest in Dark and Darker

Dark and Darker Lockpick (How to Get, Uses & Chest Loot)

Michael James

It can be annoying when you come across something that you cannot open in Dark and Darker, which could have ...

Dark and Darker Campfire

Dark and Darker Campfire (Uses, Healing & How to Get Kit)

Michael James

Most people may not appreciate the simplicity of a nicely lit fire but in Dark and Darker, you most likely ...

Dark and Darker Heart Candy (How to Get, Use & Locations)

Michael James

“Say “I love you!” with every bite of these delicious sweet treats. Hard candy hearts with messages of endearment.” There ...

How To Revive in Dark and Darker

Michael James

In Dark and Darker, everyone gets killed from time to time and there is no shame in that but giving ...

Blocking Attacks in Dark and Darker

How to Block in Dark and Darker

Michael James

Taking damage in Dark and Darker is something that you need to seriously avoid and this can be difficult to ...

Dark and Darker Class List

Dark and Darker Character Creation (Choosing Class, Customizing & Skin Selection)

Michael James

Dark and Darker allows you to create your character along with the option of choosing what kind of playstyle you ...

Dark and Darker Escape Portal

Dark and Darker Escape Portal Guide (How to Find, Use & Steal)

Michael James

If you have been wondering about how to keep the gear you have gotten in Dark and Darker, you are ...

Dark and Darker Healing Methods

How To Heal in Dark and Darker

Michael James

Exploring the different dungeons in Dark and Darkest can sometimes put you in some dangerous situations which leave you low ...

Dark and Dark Ranger

Dark and Darker Ranger (Build, Perks, Spear, Trap & Weapons)

Michael James

“The Ranger is an excellent survivalist. With a keen eye and quick hands, the Ranger tracks his enemies, sets traps, ...

Dark and Darker

How To Get Ancient Scroll in Dark and Darker

Michael James

Dark and Darker is filled with all sorts of items that you can get as loot and players have been ...