Tiberon Prime Build 2023 Guide

The Tiberon Prime is a primary weapon, a multi-function rifle that is capable of changing to an automatic, burst-fire or semi-automatic weapon, it is the Prime variant of the Tiberon.



The Tiberon Prime is the Prime variant of the Tiberon, retaining most of its stats with a few changed as well. Unlike the Tiberon, it has 3 different firing settings which are Burst, Semi and Auto.


The Tiberon Prime has the following base stats:


  • Accuracy: Has an accuracy of 33.3 able to accurately hit enemies at low to high ranges.
  • Critical Chance: Has a 28% chance to deal critical hits per shot.
  • Critical Multiplier: Shots deal 3x more damage on critical hits.
  • Fire Rate: Fires around 7.38 projectiles per second.
  • Magazine: Capacity of 42 shots per magazine.
  • Noise: Shots are alarming and will alert enemies when fired.
  • Reload: Takes 2.0 seconds to reload a new magazine.
  • Status: Has a 20% chance to proc status effects per shot.
  • Trigger: Burst – Fires multiple rounds per shot.
  • Damage Types: Deals 13.8 Impact, 18.4 Puncture and 13.8 Slash Damage.


  • Accuracy: Has an accuracy of 33.3 able to accurately hit enemies at low to high ranges.
  • Critical Chance: Has a 30% chance to deal critical hits per shot.
  • Critical Multiplier: Shots deal 3.4x more damage on critical hits.
  • Fire Rate: Fires around 6.0 projectiles per second.
  • Magazine: Capacity of 42 shots per magazine.
  • Noise: Shots are alarming and will alert enemies when fired.
  • Reload: Takes 2.0 seconds to reload a new magazine.
  • Status: Has a 18% chance to proc status effects per shot.
  • Trigger: SEMI – fires a round each time the trigger is pulled.
  • Damage Types: Deals 13.8 Impact, 18.4 Puncture and 13.8 Slash Damage.


  • Accuracy: Has an accuracy of 33.3 able to accurately hit enemies at low to high ranges.
  • Critical Chance: Has a 16% chance to deal critical hits per shot.
  • Critical Multiplier: Shots deal 2.8x more damage on critical hits.
  • Fire Rate: Fires around 8.33 projectiles per second.
  • Magazine: Capacity of 42 shots per magazine.
  • Noise: Shots are alarming and will alert enemies when fired.
  • Reload: Takes 2.0 seconds to reload a new magazine.
  • Status: Has a 32% chance to proc status effects per shot.
  • Trigger: Automatic – weapon fires and continues to fire when trigger is held down.
  • Damage Types: Deals 13.8 Impact, 18.4 Puncture and 13.8 Slash Damage. 

The Tiberon Prime requires a Mastery Rank of 14 before it may be used by players and built using its blueprints and Prime parts

  • Multiple firing modes
  • Moderate impact damage
  • Moderate puncture damage
  • Moderate slash damage
  • High critical chance (Burst & Semi)
  • High status chance (Burst & Auto)
  • High fire rate
  • Low recoil
  • Good reload speed
  • Good range
  • 2 Polarities
  • Critical chance depends on fire mode
  • Status chance depends on fire mode
  • Requires mastery rank of 14
  • No elemental eamage
  • May require changing fire modes often


The Tiberon Prime may be crafted with its blueprint and parts which may be obtained by opening relics or by trading with other players.


These contain the blueprint and parts required to craft the Tiberon Prime:

  • Blueprint: Available: Lith A3, Axi L2   Vaulted: Axi O2, Axi O4
  • Barrel: Available: Meso T1
  • Receiver: Available: Meso R1  Vaulted: Meso O2, Axi K3
  • Stock: Availble: Meso T3  Vaulted: Lith T2, Meso T2

Sample Builds

The Tiberon Prime has multiple fire modes and along with these modes it has different stats to go with it which allows the user to use it in any way they like to their convenience.

You are given the choice to go fully automatic, fire in small bursts or take semi-automatic shots at your enemies.

The Tiberon Prime along with its good stats and balanced damage can be modded for heaps of situations and used with much customization.

Below are a few sample builds:

Critical (Semi/Burst)


Adding to our base damage we have Serration along with 2 elemental damage mods for a higher amount of damage as well as elemental properties.

Point Strike, Hammer Shot and Vital Sense are added for critical chance and a higher critical multiplier.

For multishot the build has Vigilante Armaments and Split Chamber installed with the other mods.

With this build the Semi-Automatic firing mode makes use of the high critical chance built with the mods as well as the increase critical multiplier.

This gives it even higher damage capabilities and with the elemental mods, we can deal extra damage to enemies that are weak against the combined element.

Choosing the right combination of elements will have a great effect depending on the enemy of the user.

This build not only sports an excellent critical chance but extremely high critical damage as well.


Headshot (Semi/Burst)


Using the same mods from the previous build we exchange the multishot mods Split Chamber and Vigilante Armaments, and replace them with Shred which adds punch through and increases the rate.

Argon Scope is added which gives a buff that increases the critical chance even more after dealing a headshot which lasts 9 seconds.

This build is great for picking off enemies with headshots or outright taking a headshot then firing repeatedly at other enemies in quick succession.

The punch through enables multiple enemies to be hit making it easier to clear enemies that are near each other or in a line.

This build may require a bit of accuracy but will definitely pay off with the damage that can be dealt.


Elemental Damage and Status (Semi/Burst)


With this build we retain Serration, Shred, Split Chamber and Vigilante Armaments and replace the rest with either elemental damage mods, elemental damage and status mods or a combination of both.

This gives us 2 combined elements or a single stronger combined element which guarantees a higher status chance as well as a slight critical chance.


Critical (Auto)


Very similar to the previous Critical (Semi/Burst) build, with the exception of removing Viglante Armaments and replacing it with Heavy Caliber.

This build sacrifices a small amount of multishot percentage for a huge increase in base damage.

The focus of this build is to deal as much critical damage as possible with a large amount of ammunition and at a high rate of fire.

This makes use of the automatic firing mode so we are able to deal successive shots with high chances of dealing critical hits within a small period of time.

This build does not go well with long distance due to the accuracy penalty of the Heavy Caliber mod and is advised to be used for low to medium range.


Headshot (Auto)


Similar to the previous build, we retain most of the mods except we have exchanged Split Shot for Argon Scope, removing the chance of multishot and increasing the critical chance to a higher rate.

This makes use of the Argon Scope buff and intends to deal continued shots at enemies while aiming to deal several critical hits in the process.

This build works well when firing at enemies from low to medium range and headshots will trigger the buff from Argon Scope making the remaining shots have the increased critical chance.


Status (Auto)


Taking up from the Status (Semi/Brust) build, we retain most of the mods and replace Vigilante Armaments with Heavy Caliber.

This trades a small amount of multishot for increased damage, thus increasing the overall elemental damage of the build while adding high status chance with it.

This build is perfect for dealing high amounts of status damage at low to medium ranges while being able to cause status effects that either deal damage in an area, damage over time.

Mixing the elements may determine a single or dual element combination and the user need only choose the respective mods to get the elements they desire.


These are not the only builds available for the Tiberon Prime, but they are pretty useful in many situations.

There are tons of ways to mod this weapon and it all can vary depending on the user and their choice of mods.


A seemingly complex weapon for some, the Tiberon Prime has a unique setting which allows the user to toggle between semi-automatic, Burst-fire and Automatic.

These can be put to the advantage of the user when choosing to build for a single fire mode or making builds for all of them where they may use this to their advantage by changing firing modes.

Planning things strategically like using semi-automatic for enemies far away and switching to automatic when they are near can lead to a great advantage.

The Tiberon Prime is an all-around weapon and can be used very efficiently regardless of which firing mode is chosen.

The weapon itself is strong but when used strategically and choosing the modes for the right situation, the Tiberon Prime may become a game changer in the hands of its user.


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