Diablo 4 Lifesbane (How to Get, Location & Uses)

Lifesbane is a Magic Crafting Material that is obtained later when you discover Kehjistan or after you have completed certain events or opened chests.

While this is not obtainable as often during the earlier stages of your character’s progression, you can easily get a lot of it later.

This crafting material is used mainly for certain consumables that can provide characters with certain boosts that can be a great help in battle.

Diablo 4 Lifesbane

About Lifesbane

Lifesbane is known for the strange shapes that seem to form faces on their berries but these are prized by Alchemists for the effects they can cause.

The potent toxins and soporific effects provided by this herb can be used for crafting certain incense and more that provide its users with different benefits.

How To Get Lifesbane?

Lifesbane originates from Kehjistan, making it the best place for you to pick them out of bushes when you can reach the region.

Aside from being able to obtain them from this Lifesbane location, you can get these by opening Event chests, Herb Caches, and other rewards.

You may also craft Lifesbane at an Alchemist, which requires 5 Gallowvine for each Lifesbane that you convert them into.

Lifesbane Uses

Lifesbane is required for upgrading your Healing Potion to a Greater Healing Potion at level 70 as well as the Major Healing Potion once you reach level 80.

While Lifesbane has few uses for Elixirs, it is used with several incense recipes that are useful for when you reach higher layers.

The following are the elixirs and incenses that can be made with the use of Lifesbane:


  • Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Strong Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Potent Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Heady Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Weak Assault Elixir
  • Assault Elixir
  • Strong Assault Elixir
  • Potent Assault Elixir
  • Heady Assault Elixir
  • Elixir of Man-Slaying
  • Elixir of Undead-Slaying


  • Reddamine Buzz
  • Soothing Spices
  • Spiral Morning
  • Desert Escape
  • Queen’s Resume


While Lifesbane seems to have little use in the earlier parts of the game, it becomes quite essential later on when you have the ability to create incense.

These are easily found around Kehjistan as they stick out like a sore thumb and the other methods of obtaining it will ensure you have a lot as you progress.

Crafting incense that can be used is a good way to stock up for different situations, giving you the upper hand in certain fights.

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Michael James

Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. He loves to play video games and enjoys writing about it to share his experience and ideas with others. Aside from playing, he also enjoys helping other gamers both ingame and on-site.

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